
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Link Party- tomorrow night!

Come back t0morrow for our first link party with a really fun giveaway!
For: Sundae Scoop

Who: YOU!

What: link up anything your heart desires... craft projects, your menu plan, goals, recipes, tips, giveaways, or just simply post a link to your blog to meet new friends! Everyone has something new or old they can share...I just know it!

When: Sunday, April 11th @ 9 pm

Can't wait!


  1. This sounds great!

    Blessings on your Sunday and all week long!

    barbaa jean

  2. hey jamie, im jelous that i cant come...... it looks soooo fun though.... yeah....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks for all your sweet comments, they make my day!! :) Make sure that in your profile you have selected *show e-mail* so that I can get back to you with questions. Or shoot me an e-mail for the quickest response. Thank you!!