
Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Beautiful Story

This families faith, love and dedication is amazing. I loved this! If you haven't seen this sweet video of Stephanie Neilson and her beautiful it! She is an amazing women!


  1. I just watched that earlier was the sweetest story!

  2. Seriously, every time I watch this I turn into a blubbering mess. It's such a touching story, and so inspirational! Perfect for mothers day!

  3. Wow! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt story.

  4. Their story and faith are so uplifting! I am so grateful for Heavenly Father's help in each of our lives. And for the sharing of their testimonies.
    Thank you for sharing this story.

  5. I cried BUCKET watching this. I was studying for finals, and it was just the release I needed to motivate me to look at my studying as a blessing and not a curse!!

  6. I was reading one of her blogs just today!

    I'm a new follower from Friday Follows! (=


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