
Friday, May 21, 2010

Sundae Scoop Faves and Link Party!

Here are a few faves from our Last Party!!
Fun Chalkboard
Kids sit pillow- so cute!

Fun Decor Balls
Ink stamped shirt

It's time for another Sundae Scoop!

Our family ate out twice last week because I didn't plan a menu. That's why it's SO important you plan your menu...or else I find I end up being lazy. Some times I'll make something on Monday I had originally planned on making Wednesday(pregnancy cravings), but I always make something from the menu I had planned. I also try at least one new recipe each week. It makes it fun to mix it up!

Sunday: Worlds Best Lasagna, garlic bread, broccoli
Monday: Baked Chicken Alfredo w/ Salad
Tuesday: Taco Salad
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken, Butter Potatoes and corn
Thursday: BLT's
Saturday: Out

Goals: Read more, focus on important things

Projects: Finish Desk, Organize craft stuff

So what you've been up to? Let's see yours stuff!


  1. This is great round up. I hope to have a project to link up very soon.

  2. Thank you for this great link party! I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to!

    I hope you enjoy my "RELAX" sign tutorial! :)

    ~Amanda @Looking Glass Jewels

  3. My first time linking up looking forward to seeing everyone's crafty projects :)

    Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my shirt!

  5. So glad I could link to your fun party this weekend!

  6. My first time linking to your party!!

  7. Wow, thank you so much for featuring my decor balls!

  8. Thanks for inviting me to the party. I can't wait to get lots of great ideas and inspiration from everyone.

  9. Thanks for the inviting me to join your party!

    Have a great day,

  10. Love the decor balls! I will have to go visit. Fun blog party :)

  11. Your newest follower! Love your blog!

  12. Thanks for hosting the party and for all the fun ideas!

  13. Hi there

    I just popped over from the Trendy Treehouse blog hop, and found another linky party!!! I'm following you now, and will link to your party too! Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to discovering more great creations!


Thanks for all your sweet comments, they make my day!! :) Make sure that in your profile you have selected *show e-mail* so that I can get back to you with questions. Or shoot me an e-mail for the quickest response. Thank you!!