
Friday, July 23, 2010

A few faves!

Okay so blogger is totally making me mad right now! Does anyone else dislike the new blogger? I know it's probably in some odd way better, but it was being really REALLY dumb just now! I really do love blogging, but when it takes me over an hour to post something that should only take 10 min I dislike blogger!

I meant to spotlight even more awesome projects, but it wasn't letting me get the pic's. So just imagine even more amazing projects... :) It also wouldn't let me write under the picture....grrr! haha. Okay now that I'm done having a temper tantrum enjoy the links! Just look to the bottom for the links. Hopefully I will like blogger again tomorrow so I can post up the vintage pearl winner and sundae scoop! :)


  1. Why THANK you so much Hun! P.S. glad to see you go the JB.J ad! THAT IS GREAT! NIGHT! jenn

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my "30 SUCKS!" project! :) Love your blog!

  3. JAMIE , im beyond dissapointed in blogger, i like the old one better. you never followed my cooking blog?

  4. Hello dahling! Love the new favs!! And you might try downloading "Windows Live Writer" and using it to write your blogs. Sister it's sooooo much easier to upload pics and you can even use different fonts. Holy moly! It's the only way I do my posts now.

    Tiffany @ Easie Peasie

  5. Blogger has been a little moody lately. Just like people I guess. Love the favs. Super cute!

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my drawer candle holder!! Woohoo!

    Sorry about blogger. I don't use it. :(

  7. I'm totally w/ you about Blogger!!! ugh...I know that is why I don't post that often b/c it takes too stinkin long! Who has time sit there for an hour?!
    Love the Lego cupcakes!! :)

  8. I haven't seen major issues with blogger, but I have been using the draft/beta version for a while. Every now and then it is weird, but normally it's okay. Those little bite size cheesecakes look SO GOOD!

  9. I read your post and remembered I had seen a way to use the old editor.
    I posted the how-to on my blog if you are interested.



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