
Monday, July 5, 2010

Fancy Fire Flowers!

So I'm not sure what these flowers are really called but I named them fire flowers! My friend and I made these a few weeks ago and felt like pyros. We were sitting there with matches just burning fabric away! She had a repair man come to the house and he was like "umm what are you girls doing?!" Oh just making headbands... haha!
They are super easy to make and require no sewing at all! First you'll want to cut about five different flowers in descending order. On the right is my stack of circles I cut out and on the left is the circles after I burned the edges (it doesn't take long for the edges to curl up). We found that satin, sheer or polyester fabric curls up best and using a candle is better than matches. That way you don't have to keep lighting matches...and the whole process smells better! I like to burn each individual circle first and then glue them together.
Here's a few hair clips I made up. All I did was hot glue the layers together, and add a clip. Fire and glue guns really aren't good on the fingers though... just sayin'! 
Tulle and a button completes the flower! If you haven't tried these-TRY THEM...they are really fun and super cute! Have fun and Be SAFE!! 


  1. I totally hear ya on the flame and glueguns not being good for the fingers!! I actually made some of these today, really yesterday, I just haven't got to bed yet!

    Yours are really pretty! :)

  2. These are some of my favorites...I just wish I could find the fabric more often. I like to use a paper piercer (or quilting needle) to push holes into the middle of all the "petals" then secure them together with some super cute brads.

  3. those are so cute!

  4. These sound like a blast to make. I think it would also be a good punishment for all arsonists...well, perhaps not!

  5. Hello! Cute blog! And I LOVE the title! I am a new follower from the Trendy Treehouse hop. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
    I hope you will stop by and follow me too! Check out all the giveaways and great deals! Have a great weekend! Heather -

  6. Oh my goodness gracious! I just discovered your blog and I'm so impressed! I love your crafty-ness. Hope to see lots more and get some new ideas :)

  7. Hi! I'm featuring you on my blog tomorrow for Featured Flower Friday @ Singing Three Little Birds! These are great!

  8. Hi! I'm featuring you on my blog tomorrow for Featured Flower Friday @ Singing Three Little Birds! These are great!


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