
Friday, August 13, 2010

Cute ideas!

Here are a few fave’s from last week’s Sundae Scoop!
Make sure to come back tomorrow and link up!
This bedroom makeover is to die for! I LOVE it!
Awesome desk makeover!
Cute way to hang your jewelry!
What a fun dresser!
What a cute idea for a shower or party… a lemonade cart!
Repaint and mod podge your ceiling fan! Great idea!
Feel free to grab a button if you’ve been featured!

Thanks for all the inspiration ladies! You are all so talented!
Come back tomorrow night to link up at Sundae Scoop and a fun giveaway by Down East!


  1. Thank you SOOO much for featuring my project!! I feel very honored!

  2. thank you so much for featuring my green dresser. i appreciate it! hope you have a wonderul weekend. i have another fun dresser to link up! :) i love dressers!


Thanks for all your sweet comments, they make my day!! :) Make sure that in your profile you have selected *show e-mail* so that I can get back to you with questions. Or shoot me an e-mail for the quickest response. Thank you!!